Escape Game gift: the finest gift

3 Manière d'offrir the game

You wish to offer an original and unusual present to please your loved ones?

Offer one of The Game Escape If You Can mission. Whatever the occasion is, a birthday, bachelorette or bachelor parties, Mother’s or Father’s Day, employee representatives committee... The Game has what you want to offer a unique experience! 

Think big and offer more than just an Escape Game, with a trip to outer space, a tour (ou ride ça marche) of the Wild West, an adventure in the Catacombs or even a plane ticket…  With The Game gift cards and rebuildable cubes, escape is limitless... and so is the pleasure of giving!
1 L'indémodable carte-cadeau
Give your loved ones a unique experience with The Game gift card: a simple and effective way to book the mission of their choice, thanks to the gift code on the card. Print it out to give in person, or send it directly to the recipient by e-mail or post, and let them immerse themselves in an immersive adventure to choose from among our 12 themes.

Receive it by e-mail or post! 📨 It goes like clockwork.
2 Le cube-cadeau à remonter
Treat your loved ones to The Game puzzle cube, a devilishly fun gift for all ages! The recipient will have to solve the first enigma: assemble the cube to discover the gift code enabling them to book the mission of their choice. Delivered directly to the mailbox, this physical gift promises a unique experience from the moment it's opened.

A pretty wooden puzzle that, once solved, reveals a gift code. 👌 Like that, it's square you saw.
3 Le jeu cadeau avec + d'1h de jeu
Vivez une expérience chez VOUS avant de réserver votre mission chez NOUS. THE mini GAME, c’est plus d’1h de mission immersive à travers un jeu de cartes inspiré de nos univers, une application mobile, et en ajoutant une bonne dose de fun. Le/la bénéficiaire devra résoudre une série de mystères et mini-jeux (en solo ou jusqu’à 5 joueurs) pour récupérer son code et réserver la mission de son choix.
En l'offrant, vos proches vont embarquer pour plus d'1h d'énigmes dans une aventure immersive mêlant un jeu de cartes inspiré de nos missions et une application mobile avec tutoriel intégré ! Leur mission ? Retrouver un code-cadeau pour réserver leur expérience chez The Game.
Disponibles dans nos locaux du 5ᵉ arrondissement, ou expédiés par courrier en France métropolitaine🚀.
photo mini game
carte-cadeau_escape-game Cards and cubes valid for 2 years
carte-cadeau-escape-game-paris-livraison On delivery or on-site 7/7
missions_escape-game_paris For all our missions
carte-cadeau_escape-game_paris Can be used once or several times


Offering an Escape Game is an original idea that that stands out from classic gifts, and makes for a wonderful way to share a truly memorable moment of fun and laughter. Thanks to the many themes available, the recipient can take on the role of an adventurer, an investigator, a bank robber and much more. It's all possible with The Game gift cards. The advantage is that the recipient can choose with whom to share this experience, on the date and for the mission of their choice.


Whether it's for a birthday, a bachelor or bachelorette party, a cousin party... there are plenty of good reasons to offer an Escape Game to share a unique moment with your loved ones. At The Game, we've lost count of the number of candles that have been blown out, the number of marriage proposals that have been made in our different rooms, the number of hen parties with teams dressed up like never before, the number of farewell parties for colleagues who want to continue sharing good times... And if you need help adding a little magic to the moment, don't hesitate to contact us.


The Game gift cards can be offered to everyone, from children over the age of 10 to adults of any age. It's the perfect opportunity to treat friends, family or even colleagues to a unique corporate team-building experience. It's also an ideal way for Works Committees to reward employees at the end of the year.


Did you enjoy your The Game experience, or would you simply like to introduce a loved one to this 100% original and unusual concept? Offer a The Game Escape If you can gift card or cube! These cards are valid for 2 years, and the recipient can choose to explore the Catacombs, go on a Wild West adventure, play the role of a Casino robber or go on a Secret Mission. It's up to them to select the mission of their choice.

You can buy a card or gift cube on site or directly from our website.
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